The pomegranate is

The pomegranate is an underrated fruit in Britain…
In the Middle East they have often been compared to the breasts of a woman in poetry; and in Spain there is even a city named after it. Deluged with Greek yoghurt is just one example of how they can be used to delight the tastebuds…

My 3 positives for day 1 are:

I’ve been nominated by Olivia Kirschner to post for 5 days 3 positive things of my life

My 3 positives for day 1 are:

1: I came a fan of Giothermal energy (not quite the same as geothermal),

2: I finished writing a new story,

3: I spilled a full mug of coffee on my carpet but realised that the darker colour of the spill area looks better than the colour of the original carpet, so tomorrow i plan to soak the entire carpet in coffee.